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Word from the Wolfe Pack | Stranglemania Edition

News & Rumors

  • Surveillance at Stranglemania?
    • Both Alyson Cross and her mentor Victoria have been spotted on site in Peru, the site of Stranglemania XVII. Cross isn’t schedule to compete, so the bigger question is whether she’s simply there to watch the show of shows, or is she there scouting her Prime #106 opponent, and potential Indy Champion, Callie Clark?
  • Injury Update
    • A spokesperson from The House confirms that JoJo Rush received experimental shoulder surgery to repair a dislocated shoulder. It is currently unknown whether or not JoJo will be cleared to compete in time for Stranglemania. As of this writing, the match featuring Rush and opponent Captain Morgan Darkwater, has not yet been axed from the Monday card. 
  • Could Xavier Reid be hitting the open market?
    • A member of The Love Club, who is not Tommy Love but wishes to remain anonymous, has informed Patricia Wolfe that Xavier Reid’s Brawl contract is set to expire at the end of April. Reid, who signed a renewal with Brawl ahead of the 23rd Season while the International Champion had a less than memorable 2022 Season that still saw him win the International Championship at StrangleMania over Iggy Swango plus become the latest EWC Grand Slam Champion when, along with ‘The Love Child’ Jamie Love ended the run of The Southern Express at Parabellum and then beat them once again at Night of Champions before losing the championships at WrestleFest…

      Nevertheless Xavier is off to a hot start to this season with 3 wins under his belt and 2 MVP bonuses and is headed to StrangleMania to face off against his brother El Pablo for the X-Division Championship but this source tells us that everything is on the table for Xavier, “He’s been the face of Brawl for the past three years now and I believe he wants to see what else is out there in the EWC and what possible other challenges he can overtake…”

      We reached out to Tommy Love for a statement concerning Xavier’s contract and possibilities he might leave Brawl…

      “Fuck you…that’s a personal business matter between my client and me…who the fuck are you talking to? Who the fuck is leaking Love Club business…I swear to God, when I find the rat bastard that is talking to you I’m gonna…”

      We ended the quote out of discretion and fear that kids might read this and be concerned about the ‘racoon in a pillowcase’ and what it might do when placed over…well I’m just going to stop. For now the countdown clock has started on Xavier Reid and where he might possibly end up and as the source said, ‘Buckle up, this could get exciting’…

  • Eyes on the Prize!
    • As Stranglemania gets closer, sources inside the camp of Dustin Holt say he wants the FX Broadcast Championship. Another source says Dustin is extremely confident that he will be the one who survives the hellevator match. Will that be the case? We shall see.
  • Looking for a new DM?
    • Sources close to The Kreels say Kolby and Daphne could be on the verge of hiring a spokesman. Another source says The Kruel Masters will be watching the tag title match closely.
  • Scandal on the Indys?!
    • As Stranglemania’s hype heats up, some icy news is coming out of the blue brand as rumors are beginning to circulate that the return of Saidie Sharpe at Stranglemania is coming with a hefty price tag… but not in the way one might expect. Talk in the hallways is that Prime’s coffers are getting lighter by the day, and the alleged missing funds eerily correlate to the return of the GM’s niece. Has Saidie been dipping her hands in the company cookie jar behind her uncle’s back??
  • A King’s War
    • Walking into Stranglemania at 3 wins 2 losses, International champion King Flip will be joining elite company. He’ll join Scorpio as one of the only two singles champion in written Stranglemania history to be competing in two separate singles matches in one night. 

      He takes on Tanja Devereaux first in a Glass Tables Match, as we all know, which was a forced partition on behalf of Chris Brock to get the Apple TV+ broadcast championship back from the thieving King. Our Ol’ CHK, however, would pass off that championship earlier on that Friday night to Darna Dare. Although there is no additional stipulation to the contest, the winner gaining nothing more than bragging rights, this should be a fight to remember between two violent competitors.

      The second match, of course, against Dio in a “Rules Swap” Match for the International championship. It’s anybodies guess where this one goes. It could get weird, it could get violent, but no matter what it’s going to be that back-and-forth championship match that’ll leave the crowd wanting more.

      What’s next for the King? We’ll have to see where the dust settles with Stranglemania, how Ito reacts to the inside scoop from Flip before their coming match that he can “go fuck himself,” and where the King decides to take it all from there.

  • A Tsutsumi State of the Union
    • Following 3pAC’s mention of looking for the Prime Minister Necklace on eBay without success, unscrupulous figures have begun selling counterfeit necklaces in response to increased traffic. In response, Narumi has made it clear she is still in possession of the jewelry and has no desire to put it up for sale, despite not fully using the moniker that comes with it. Despite her troubled feelings over the origin of the topaz diamond encrusted chain, the oni princess intends to honour all those who have fought for it and informs us she will make her intentions with the necklace clear post Stranglemania season

Coming Soon! Matches to set your DVR for

Brawl #595STREET FIGHT  Caleb Scott v Stitches | Caleb Scott will go one on one with Stitches in Tokyo Japan in a street fight! As an added twist, the results of Stranglemania could turn this into the biggest match of Caleb Scott’s career if Stitches walks out of the show of shows as the Legend of the Ring and Undisputed Champion. One has to wonder, will that weigh on the mind of the Granite City Sadist as he takes his place in the Hellevator match at Stranglemania? Or will it be for naught as the Carnival Clown turns the streets of Tokyo into a living nightmare?

Prime #106AMC BROADCAST LUMBERJACK MATCH Alyson Cross v Callie Clark | Alyson Cross will be headlining Prime 106 alongside current AMC champion, and potential Indy champion, Callie Clark in a lumberjack match! After failing to secure gold in a steel cage match earlier this season, Cross earned herself another opportunity and this time she’ll have backup too as Callie’s stablemates in the House will have their work cut out for them ringside as the rest of the Prime roster stands ready to ensure this match goes to the true AMC champion.

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