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Mac @ Night: Work In Progress

Mac @ Night: S02E10 – Today on the 21st Episode of Mac @ Night, I pivot away from the world of efedding and talk a little more personally on how I feel we are all a ‘Work In Progress’.

Many of us are dealing with a whole lot in our personal lives, and I know we often face times where it feels like the odds are stacked against us. Sometimes it might feel like we’ve made so many mistakes, or so many things are going wrong, and we don’t know how to deal in those moments. I’m here to remind you that no one alive today is perfect. We are all a work in progress. We can use each day to improve ourselves little by little, and inch closer to our own personal goals. How? Give this podcast a listen. I hope you can take something from this podcast today that will help you in your own journey.

As always, feel free to sound off in the comments section on our forums or in the discord “members only” chat.
See you next time. Stay safe!
– Mac ðŸ¥ƒ

Music by Audiobinger

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